The Outback Is A Drug
I was listening to a crime podcast the other day. This bloke was out robbing banks in America, trying to scrounge up cash to buy enough heroin to give him a high exactly like his first. After numerous attempts, that high never came back. I couldn’t help but think, if only he was in Australia. Not because our banks are easier to rob, I’m sure they’re not. It’s because here, we have the Outback. And unlike drugs, you can’t build up a tolerance for that. Even after every nut, bolt, and your teeth have rattled their way loose, you still won’t be sick of the glorious red dirt roads you’re driving on. Even after 47,000 kilometres, you will still find places you’ve never seen. Places so untouched by society, you’ll wonder if you’re the first person to discover them. Each and every time I hit the Outback, whether I’m travelling solo, filming with Patski or touring with the misso, the feeling is the same as the first time I ever encountered the Outback, to me, it’s a high like none other. And unlike drugs, it’s one you can feel time and time again. Without running the risk of gaol time and disappointing your mother. So, if you’re looking for a new destination, a better feeling or just a change of…