Engel’s Outback Gourmet: One-Pot Spaghetti Recipe
Recipe by Pat Callinan Images by Tommy Salmon Minimisation of washing dishes should be one of your highest priorities when it comes to camp cooking. So that’s why I’ve resurrected this tasty ninety-year-old recipe – in an attempt to wash one less dish… Don’t worry, it goes alright too… INGREDIENTS 200g bacon (diced) 2 medium onions (diced) 1 capsicum Worcestershire Sauce 2 tins crushed tomatoes 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup red wine (Greenskin Cab Merlot) 2 red chillies 1 bag spaghetti Basil Leaves Fresh Parmesan STEPS 1. Brown the onion and the bacon in some olive oil. 2. Once cooked add the liquids along with the capsicum and chilli. 3. Heat it up to a boil and then add the spaghetti. 4. Put on a slow boil for 15 minutes. 5. Top with fresh basil leaves and parmesan to serve.