A Bendigo family have found a gold nugget believed to be worth $35,000 when out walking in local bushland, the Bendigo Advertiser has reported.
The father of two, who did not want to be named for obvious reasons, has said he was walking his dog with his two daughters on Mothers Day just gone, when his daughter happened to spy a golden rock on the side of the track. “It was Mother’s Day morning and we decided to go for a walk,” he said. “Mum actually stayed at home so me, my two daughters and Lucky were just walking along. I actually walked right past it but my daughter pretty much kicked it as she was walking. She then goes, ‘Dad, is this gold?’ I said, ‘I think it might be’.”
The family couldn’t find a way to weigh the nugget, and ended up at the local IGA and weighed it in the supermarket. The nugget came back at 624 grams, or around 20 ounces. The father has said he had been fossicking before but never really gotten into the hobby. After the find, he has however said the family does intend on returning to the site where they found the nugget, with the aid of some serious prospecting equipment to see what else he can come up with.
“It was just a really random find but we will be going back,” he said. “Usually when you find a nugget that big, there will be more gold around so hopefully that’s the case.”
Just goes to show that even though we’re over a century past the great Aussie gold rushes, there are still some massive nuggets about to be found, specifically in this case, a $35,000 nugget in Bendigo!
Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever had a lucky find, and what you were using when you found it.
1 comment
thought the tax was to protect our local car makers witch we no longer have, so why is the rip off tax still there ??? seems once they learn to milk the public they never want to give up !!!! no matter what. if they learned how to manage money that doesn,t belong to them,( it,s the peoples ) maybe we wouldn,t have so many rip off tax,s