One of the easiest, and of course free, ways to post videos and/or links to videos on the forum is to upload them into YouTube.
Of course, you’ll need to create an account:
Please note that any video links will need to be approved by Admins’ prior to going live, so if it doesn’t appear straight away, that’s why.
he best way to add images or video to your posts is to host all your photos/video remotely.
One of the best – and free – places to do this PhotoBucket. It’s a very easy site to operate and allows you to create Album Folders so you can sort all your images and find them easily.
You’ll need to create an account, so go to:
Photo bucket enables you to upload your images, then by simply clicking on the image, four options for linking will drop down.
The best one is IMG link – simply copy this link then paste into your forum post and… bingo!
Your image is now posted