It’s been rumoured about, hoped for, pined after and generally day dreamed about for over two decades now; the return of the Ford Bronco. Finally, just last week, we got to see the 2020 Ford Bronco teaser released to the world.
Now, before we lose our collective minds, the image doesn’t show any sheet metal, wheels, windows or lights at all. What we can see, is a fair bit of shape, and quite a lot of 80’s era styling. It’s upright, and maintains the 80’s boxy style, plus it appears there is the spare tyre on the back!
The wheel arches are rather prominent, and quite high up the body which hints to us that it’ll have a decent amount of clearance right out of the box. It’s also very angular in shape, with almost perfectly horizontal roof and bonnet. Apologies to both Ford and Jeep owners alike, but it does look very Wrangler-esque – insofar as that even under the shroud, it’s got an aggressive, off-road appearance.
For too long, there has been the fear that the Ford Bronco was going to be essentially a rebadged Ford Everest and sent over to the US market. It appears now, that besides it not being an Everest, it may even end up down under. The Ford Motor Co have said on the caption for the highly shrouded image “The all-new Ford Bronco will be one of eight SUVs in Ford’s North American lineup by 2020 — and one of two off-road SUV offerings.” With this in mind, the hope is it will be released in Australia, and will actually be “off-road” based, instead of soft-road based. Only time will tell.