Building the Ultimate 4X4 documentary airs this weekend, and you’re in for a treat!
Taking the prize for arguably the worst kept secret in the 4X4 world is the building of Pat’s Ultimate 4X4. There have been little snips here and there around social media, of different things Pat has put into the rig, but this weekend, we’re going to reveal the entire build, all of its mods, and the lengths that Pat has gone to, to get the new whip done, engineered, and on the road legally. It kicks off on Channel Ten at 2pm this Sunday, January 19, and trust me when I say you’re in for a treat.
The build follows along from what was just an idea, through to planning, design, build, engineering, and completion. You’ll get to meet all of the people behind the vehicle, and see them putting their incredible skills to the test to have the entire build come together flawlessly.
But, don’t take it from me, have a look at the trailer above, and make sure you’re tuned in for our documentary of building the Ultimate 4X4 this weekend, on Sunday, at 2pm on Channel Ten.