Let’s be honest, the word ‘adventure‘ means different things to different people. You and I might see it as packing up the fourby and heading into the bush for a few days or weeks, others may see it as hitting the water on a tinny or kayak, some folks may be into bushwalking or heading off on two wheels instead of four, or climbing a rock face, flicking a line… It doesn’t really matter, because at The Southern Highlands Outdoor Recreation and Adventure show there is something to appeal to every adventurer, no matter what your definition of the word may be.
Now in its second year, and once again backed by Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures, Unsealed 4X4 and RV Daily, The Southern Highlands Outdoor Recreation & Adventure Show returns to Moss Vale Showground from Friday November 10th to Sunday November 12th, 2017.
There is plenty on offer at the show, including adventure activities for the kids, car and motorcycle displays, fishing demonstrations and hey, Pat himself will be there on Friday as well so make sure you stop by the Club 4X4 and Toyo Tires stands and say g’day.
As for the show itself, there are over 200 exhibitors showcasing the very latest in camping equipment, 4X4s and accessories, caravans, campers, motorhomes and global expedition vehicles. But this isn’t just another 4WD or Caravan show, there will also be everything from recreational aviation displays to motorcycles, electric bikes, boating & fishing displays, trials bikes displays (including an OSET e-bike display where the kids can have a ride themselves), metal detectors, adventure travel displays, massive end of year show specials and spectacular free entertainment including a rocket-powered Jet Pack Flying display.
If that’s not enough, if you order your tickets online, you’ll get a FREE 6 month digital subscription to Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures magazine. You can grab your tickets now simply by clicking here.
Visitors to the show are also eligible to win a set of 5 Toyo Open Country tyres up to a maximum value of $5000; a Honda CRF50F mini-bike valued at $2199; a 35-litre ARB Fridge/Freezer valued at $1099 and one of three Shimano Family Fishing Packs valued at over $1000 simply by heading over to each of the above exhibitor’s stands and scanning your ticket.
Moss Vale Showground, Illawarra Highway Moss Vale
Friday November 10th, 2017 9:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday November 11th, 2017 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday November 12th, 2017 9:30am – 3:30pm
* Free on-site parking
How Much?
Adults $15
Seniors $10
Kids under 16 FREE (if accompanied by an adult)
* No animals allowed on site