In breaking news, another sinkhole has reportedly opened up at North Stradbroke Island earlier today.
While it may look like a nice swimming hole, Surf Lifesaving Queensland is urging people to stay away from the area (as common sense would dictate) and only swim between the flags.
It is unclear at this time what has caused the Stradbroke sinkhole to occur, or whether it’s related to the tectonic activity that has been linked to the one that opened up at Inskip Point a month ago.
We’ll keep you up to date as further details develop.
I understand WA is running out of sand
Yes Ray Stanborough, you are right, WA is now manufacturing vast amounts of ICE instead. So glad I got out of that sh!t hole.
Nahhh ! The pollies have sold it to the Chinese!!
Whats going on with these sink holes appearing—–anyone know?? Funniest thing I have read lately is Australia is selling sand to Dubai so they can build their mega cities——who would have thought that would be necessary????
Damn Arabs are now undermining our sand, have they not got enough already.
Yes, the top scientists from all over Australia have received a grant from the federal government to research these phenomenon, have released a paper that has reported in plain text for all to read. It says What the F, Who the F knows. Then they went back to their crosswords in the cafeteria.
It’s a secret undersea pipeline for sand mining. 🙂
Sink holes not new – most likely cause if underground “rivers” flowing from Great Artesian Basin – as already eveidenced.
On Fraser (ocean side) fresh water bubbles up below tide level, exposed when low tide,; the lakes keep a constant level and so on. Migration of water underground is very wide and well documented. At Lawn Hill in NW QLD, underground water from the Barkely table lands (and PNG) forms the river – and gorge area, and so on.