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first aid
Are you prepared for a Cardiac Arrest in the bush?
Surviving the Slithery: A 4X4 Adventurer’s Guide to Snake Bites
How to save a life for $200
Snakes, Disssspelling a few myths
When it comes to poisonous snakes in Australia, their reputations are more myth than reality. We try to set the record straight. Australia tops the list of countries for having the most dangerous animals. Up near the top of this list are snakes. There are about 170 species of terrestrial snakes and 32 seas snakes. Of these snakes, 104 are venomous, 40 to humans, but only 12 are likely to inflict a bite that could kill you. We are fortunate here in Australia to have a very effective first aid treatment for snake bites. On average, we see 3000 snake bites a year, with an estimated 300 lives saved by antivenom. We have an antivenom program thanks to The Australian Reptile Parks venom milking program, which has been running since the 1950s and continues to be the sole provider of snake venom in this country. Due to this program, Australia only sees an average of 2-3 deaths per year from snake bites. Most species during our winter months in the cooler climates of Australia will become inactive. The duration of inactivity depends on the species and where they live. Some snakes like the Tiger Snake and Copperhead are tolerant of colder conditions, so they may still be active during the cooler months. Most snakes are more active during the warmer…