Crick’s VW Amarok beach bash went off without a hitch earlier this year, with an action packed day from Noosa north shore, up Teewah Beach and then over to Double Island point. The beach bash is run twice yearly, however with the amount of interest and involvement from the latest one just gone, that may well increase!
Nick Jensen Marketing were along on the day, and captured the action with some stunning footage, both from the air, and on the ground. Have a look at this.
The day kicks off with breaky, morning briefing and ARB presentation at Crick’s VW. From there, it’s over to the Noosa Ferry, onto Noosa north shore, to air down and get on the sand. Then it’s onto Teewah beach, with plenty of time to catch up with other owners, and cast your eyes over accessories and mods for a couple of sneaky tips and tricks. After a bit of lunch, you’re then over to Double Island point, and the run over to Rainbow Beach to relax and enjoy the calm surf of the beach. How else would you rather spend a Sunday?!
The day is put on by Crick’s VW at Maroochydore to give Amarok owners of all skill levels a day out together in a controlled environment, to find out just what they can do. If you’re in the sunny coast area with an Amarok, make sure you keep an eye out for their next drive day!