There are few things that speak to the soul of a 4WDer like an FJ40 LandCruiser off road, tackling bog holes and sand dunes in the Simpson Desert.
Celebrating their 40th year of business in Australia, ARB took this great little FJ40 LandCruiser on what became a very epic journey across some very tough decisions.
Epic is one of those words that is flagrantly overused in the 4WD world. Seeing it often makes me feel a little nauseous, and I try my level best to avoid using it. But in this instance, there is no replacement suitable. This journey was epic, and the 40 Series was equally epic in it’s own right.
Water getting into the ignition sytem, coupled with some dodgy wiring, meant a running engine was a hit-and-miss affair with the poor old 40 Series LandCruiser. Off Road conditions like this can cause all sorts of problems. But it must be said: when it was running, the old 40 proved to be a very capable beast in the face of inhospitable terrain. And few vehicles feel as fitting, as adventurous, as inspiring as an FJ40. Watch the video, and get inspired.
Note: If you want to see more of the ARB Off Road Icons journey, make sure you subscribe to Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures magazine, for as little as $45.