4WDs in Australia aren’t immune from the world’s biggest recall, with the ACCC issuing a list of popular 4WD makes onto the long list of vehicles.
Nissan is the latest to be potentially affected by the Takata airbag recalls debacle, which has stretched to over 53 million vehicles around the world. In the event of a crash, there is a risk that the airbag may spray shrapnel into the car when deployed. Obviously, that is a pretty serious potential risk.
Y61 Patrols and D22 Naravas are the latest to be affected, with vehicles manufactured between January 2004 and March 2007, and sold in Australia under the spotlight. Owners of these vehicles are being urged to contact their local dealer as soon as possible and organise replacement, at no cost to the owner.
In other recall news that affects the 4WDer, Hercules 8,000kg and 11,000kg snatch straps, sold by 4WD & Outdoor Supacentre, have been recalled by the ACCC for failing to meet the requirement stated on their product labels. Owners of these straps are being urged to return their products to 4WD & Outdoor Supacentre, and are being contact by email.
Also, a variety of ‘High Lift’ style jacks, often sold as ‘Offroad Jacks’ or ‘Farm Jacks’ have also been recalled by the ACCC. Brands including Vic Offroad Pty Ltd, Lukeem Pty Ltd and Sun Yee International are only a handful of a wide variety to be recalled from the market.The problem being: “Jacks that do not comply with the mandatory standard pose a crushing hazard. This may result in serious injury or death”. Owners are being urged to return these products from when they bought them for a full refund.
If you own a High Lift jack that might not comply with the mandatory standards, get in touch with the people you bought it from, and check the full list of recalled products at the ACCC website: www.recalls.gov.au.