You may remember last month, we ran the story of a campsite that was knocked off while a couple of blokes were out taking photos in the Barrington Tops. We reached out to our mates over at OzTent to see if we could right this wrong, and get these blokes campsite restored.
As you’ll see, the good folks over at OzTent offered up a bunch of stuff for the guys, including a pair of RS-1 tents, pair of sleeping bags, as well as some heat packs for the next time they’re in the snow. Hopefully this gets Isaiah and Jasper back out on the tracks getting some of those epic landscape shots we’ve come to love!
Hope you guys enjoy the new gear, and we’re just glad we were able to help have your campsite restored!
Love to see 4X4 / outdoor people still looking after each other!!!
Well done Pat and hats off to the people at Oztent…….great to see people willing to help when low life scum try to suck the enthusiasm and joy from happy campers !
That’s terrific the blokes got there gear replaced. True scum stealing camping gear. In my 40 years of camping in the bush never had anything stolen. Great photos.
Love your work pat callinan
Well done 4×4 adventures ,there is a lot of a/holes out there.
Cheers Rob WA
Only happened to me once in 40 years of camping, luckily an alert fellow camper wrote down a number plate. My camping buddy was a copper and said scum were caught that afternoon, also got busted for drug possession. Tossers are probably still trying to figure out how they got nailed so quick.
The day has arrived – we now need to hide motion-sensitive cameras nearby to record what happens at camp when we are away!
Hope the boys enjoy there new equipment thanks to OZTENT. Well done Pat. I cant believe that anyone would take what is quite clearly a camp site.
My policy is if you can drive in then your gear is open to any thief.
I have been camping for over 50 years now, and I have had gear stolen, vandalized, pissed on, and worse.
Wouldn’t have been locals. They’re too honest.
Bad as stealing fuel in the outback from other campers Needs some “Bush Justice” to these stealing scum.
Good on oz tent – Good effort by all involved
Well done Pat et al … a nice finish for the poor guys who lost their gear. Hopefully it will restore their face in human nature.
Good on OZ tents, you can only hope that when these scum bags get older and gather some of there own possessions, they too get scummed!
Colin K
Low lives live among us every where. Karma has needs to find these thieves when they least expect it, maybe fellow thieves will visit there campsite or home. (With great hope)
Regards to all travellers
Dont need to be in a remote spot .lost gear in Canberra showgrounds .Now lock every thing, bit hard ti lock up a tent th0ugh
Thanks for that bit of info, Dave. We will be there later in the year & will keep this in mind.
Thanks all who restored faith in humanity by kindness to these two guys. I hope the thieves get their just rewards too!
excellent, now we just need to catch the culprits, that would be the icing on the cake