The Nissan Titan is a rather remarkable ‘truck’ all by itself; add livery and a build to resemble a walker from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and you get the Titan AT-M6. California based company Vehicle Effects (built all of the cars for the Fast and the Furious franchises) completed the build for Nissan. Despite how corny the build may look at first glance, after having a closer look at the Titan, and work that’s gone into it, we’re blown away and all of our inner nerds are screaming for more! Feast your eyes on this:
Unveiled at the LA Auto Show the Titan AT-M6 has been built mostly from aluminium panelling, as well as having more than a few parts that were 3D-printed. Despite the exterior mock up, the interrior has remained essentially standard, except of course for the rather insane sound system. This includes a massive array of speakers and sub-woofers that makes it sound (from the outside no less) like an AT-M6 is stomping after you – yep, it mimics the walking sound of the walker.
Weaponry wise, there are the dual cannons in the front lower grille, a pair of smaller lasers off the side of the front bumper, and the giant ‘MegaCaliber Cannon’ in the tray – Despite the corny name, it is a pretty awesome bit of gear.
The only question remaining is, are your inner nerds screaming how awesome this is as loudly as ours are?!