If you’ve ever doubted the breadth of talents found in the heart of Australia, let’s introduce you to Graham Jones. Known as the man with the plan behind some of the best storage systems in the country over at OffRoad Systems, he also happens to be the current Australian whip-cracking champion, but Graham’s impressive whip skills are just the beginning of his remarkable abilities. Recently, during an evening around the campfire, Graham shared some surprising talents proving once again that the bush is full of unexpected wonders.
The Whip Cracking Champion
Graham Jones isn’t just any whip cracker; he’s the best in the country. Watching him in action is a treat – the precision, the control, and the sheer artistry of his movements are a testament to years of practice and dedication. But what truly sets Graham apart is his humble demeanor. He’s a typical country bloke who happens to be a high achiever in a rather niche field.
It turns out that whip cracking isn’t Graham’s only claim to fame. Around the campfire with Pat, Graham mentioned the World Billy Boiling Championship. Yes, you read that right. This quirky and quintessentially Aussie competition pits competitors against each other to see who can bring a billy to boil the fastest using only an axe, a log of wood, and a box of matches.
Graham told his about his experience at the championship in Burer, Queensland. Despite the unexpected nature of the competition, he managed to secure second place. “You get a log of wood, an axe, and a box of matches, and that’s it. You’ve got to split your own wood, get it lit with matches only, and then bring a billy to boil,” he explained. It’s an old-school test of bushcraft skills that harks back to a simpler time.
Giving It a Go
Inspired by Graham’s tales, Pat decided to give billy boiling a go, albeit with a little help from director’s assistant, Nick. Armed with a log of wood, a small axe, and a box of matches, they set out to see if they could replicate Graham’s success.
The rules were straightforward: split the wood, light the fire with matches, and bring a billy with 600 ml of water to a rolling boil. Easy, right? Not quite. As Graham demonstrated his technique, it quickly became apparent that there was more to it than just striking a match and hoping for the best. The key, he explained, was to start with very fine splinters of wood and gradually build up the fire.
The Challenge Begins
With the clock ticking, Pat and Nick got to work. The first challenge was splitting the wood into fine enough pieces to catch fire quickly. Graham’s expert advice was invaluable here, and after a few failed attempts, they managed to get a decent fire going.
As the flames took hold, the real competition began. Graham’s words echoed in Pat’s ears: “When you get a group of blokes together seriously competing on this, it’s quite funny. The testosterone gets going, and it’s really serious.” He wasn’t kidding. As their fires roared and the billy’s started to heat up, the pressure was on.
A Rolling Boil
There’s something incredibly satisfying about watching a billy come to a rolling boil using nothing but your own two hands and some bushcraft skills. It’s a reminder of the simpler pleasures in life and the importance of self-reliance.
Graham’s billy was the first to reach a rolling boil, of course. “She’s boiling, mate! A rolling boil even!” he declared triumphantly. Not far behind, Pat managed to get his billy to boil. The sense of accomplishment was undeniable.
That evening, around the campfire, Graham Jones taught them more than just how to boil a billy. He reminded them of the joy of learning new skills, the importance of patience and precision, and the fun of a little friendly competition. As they packed up and headed for something a bit stronger than billy tea, they couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to learn from one of Australia’s hidden talents.
Next time you’re out in the bush, why not give billy boiling a go? You never know, you might discover a hidden talent of your own. And who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself competing against Graham Jones in the next World Billy Boiling Championship. Until then, keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep enjoying the journey.