Fresh out of the stable from the folks over at Uniden, is the brand spanking new XTRAK 40. Now before you roll your eyes and think “just another UHF entering the market”, the XTRAK 40 has a rather interesting feature we’ve not seen before in an in-vehicle UHF; It’s waterproof.
Yep, really. The XTRAK 40 was initially designed for use in buggies, quads and agricultural vehicles out on the farm working next to machinery and in dusty, dirty and wet environments. Where we think it will really shine, is in the four-wheel drive, especially with its IP67 dust and waterproof rating.
Picture this, you’re out wheeling on the weekend with a bunch of mates, you’re the last 4X4 in the convoy, and you happen to get stuck in a water crossing with water half way up your doors. Your UHF is mounted down near the gear sticks, and as soon as you get water in the cab, your UHF is toast, so you can’t call for help. Not with this thing. It’ll survive submersion in a meter of water for a full half hour. Or maybe you’re away up The Cape on the trip you’ve been planning for the past three years and get stuck in Nolan’s with no one around – same deal. It’ll survive water, dust, mud… whatever you want to throw at it!
Beyond the waterproofing, the XTRAK 40 has all of the high-end features you’d expect out of a Uniden unit; a full 5W power output, 80 channels, 12/24 volt, 100 extra receive only channels, and instant replay if you happen to miss something; plus the kitchen sink.
It’s also got this really neat technology called Master Scan. What it does, is if you and a bunch of mates are in a group together, and someone comes blasting over your channel, all the radios in that group will automatically transfer to a new channel together, so you can keep chin-wagging without interruption!
Let us know below what you think about the new Uniden XTRAK 40 – Do you reckon it’s worth having a fully waterproof in-vehicle UHF so you’ve always got comms no matter what?