Every working day, four Australians are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The average age of diagnosis is just 30 years old. That’s right in the middle of our readership!
Over 25,000 Australians are affected and more than two million worldwide suffer from MS. It is a condition for which there is no cure.
One of the Amarok Club of Victoria’s founding members has recently been diagnosed with MS, and his club members are entering the MS Cycle and ½ marathon to support their friend, raise awareness for MS and fundraise to help support those living with MS.
MS is a condition on the central nervous system. The range of symptoms is diverse and is different for every diagnosis.
MS Australia list the following five major health problems linked to MS:
- Motor control – muscular spasms and problems with weakness, coordination, balance and functioning of the arms and legs
- Fatigue – including heat sensitivity
- Other neurological symptoms – including vertigo, pins and needles, neuralgia and visual disturbances
- Continence problems – including bladder incontinence and constipation
- Neuropsychological symptoms – including depression, cognitive difficulties and memory loss
One in 1000 Aussies are affected by MS directly, most of us probably know someone with MS even if you don’t know realise it. But with the support of MS Australia our friends who are diagnosed with MS have a chance to lead a fulfilling life and keep on 4WDing!
You can help the Amarok Club of Victoria support MS by donating to the sponsorship page here
After an MRI in 2014, i was diagnosed of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. After years on medications, symptoms worsened with tremors on my right hand, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and loss of speech. Fortunately last year, i learnt about RICH HERBS FOUNDATION and their successful Multiple Sclerosis alternative treatment (ww w. richherbsfoundation. com), the Multiple Sclerosis treatment made a great difference, most of my symptoms including tremors, weakness and others gradually disappeared. I improved greatly over the 6 months treatment, its been a years since the treatment, i have no symptoms. I have a very good quality of life and a great family!
Been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015, and I was a woman of 50. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2017 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none so far on Copaxone. I do notice my balance was getting worse, and my memory, as well as erectile dysfunction and spasms’ had no choice to sick for other solution and I was introduce to totalcureherbsfoundation.com which I purchase the MS herbal formula from the foundation, the herbal supplement has effectively get rid of multiple sclerosis and reversed all symptoms.