Swedish publication Teknikens Värld has conducted a ‘Moose Test’, with a variety of dual cab utes. Performing a sharp turn and then straightening, the test simulates what kind of evasive driving you have to do in order to not crash into something unexpected, like a Moose.
The Toyota HiLux, which did a less-than-stellar job back in 2007, has once again failed the test quite poorly. Quite a few different dual-cab utes have been tested, and it’s quite obvious to onlookers that the HiLux is pretty bad.
Not only does the HiLux fail to stay within the set cones, it also comes dangerously close to rolling over. We haven’t had a chance to speak with Toyota Australia about this or the guys who did the story, but will in due course. In the meantime, check out the video below, and let us know what you think.
That’s cause Toyota’s are made to take the hit not avoid them. So just hit the mouse and it be fine. The other brands are not strong enough to with stand a hit so there made to avoid Hevey hard objects
Learn to spell you knucklehead
Typical response from a idiot Toyota person
When do you need to undertake this kind of maneuver? I can’t think of a time I need to keep driving at 60+ km per hour and turn hard right or left, and keep up the speed. Whilst it doesn’t look good for the Toyota, it’s hardly a useful test.
Let’s hope you never need to use this maneuver BUT if a kid chases a ball out on to the road this is exactly the move you would make…..?
It’s a very valid test, and with the high centre of gravity, a very important test to perform. Only a Toyota idiot would defend such a bad handeling. Back to the drawing board Toyota.
There are no moose in straya, luckily and roos jump straight over ya bonnet. Besides hilux indef__nstructable. Ha ha, make sure u wearing your seatbelt just in case of rollover or buy yourself an AMAROK
Its funny how certain 4wd Tv shows rave on how good their vehicles are and bag every other type. If they drive a Nissan they say they are the best, but when they change brands IE: new sponsorship. Oh how wonderful the Amarok now is.
Toyota Hilux outsells every other brand for good reason, they do everything that is required of them and they are very reliable, unlike some others.
Wouldn’t trade my Hilux for any other.
tengo una nissan frontier d 22 japon es mas estable que la hilux pero es tanta como se muestra para mi la maniobra con la hilux la hacen mas brusca por eso de ese derrape y se descontola mire varias veces el video y yo noto eso ¡¡¡¡¡¡
Hilux has a high center of gravity due to concentrating on clearance of high obstacles off-road. I agree that type of test looks bad for Toyota. I have driven Isuzu,Ford F250,Mazda,Land Cruiser, Hilux,Mitsubishi and Nissan in Africa,Sorry also a V6 Ford all four by four. The ford V6 Courier had too much wheel-spin off-road,weak drive-train too. F250 1978 model was fantastic! Isuzu 2,3 petrol was too low! Mazda 2,6 petrol was a good vehicle.Mitsubishi,2,4 or 6 forget now,was a very well balanced vehicle for mud or beach sand. Hilux 2,4 Diesel OK,not enough power on dunes.Hilux 2,8 Diesel was fantastic. The 80’s Land-cruiser had nice power but always felt like it was about to tip over in a corner. Nissan 3,2 no turbo,oh she needed turbo badly and the front suspension squeak! Drove it new to 6 months got rid of it,looked beautiful but was gutless.By the way all of these vehicles were heavily loaded for high voltage electrical work. Toyota Hilux is a good workhorse but they are pricing themselves out of the market due to arrogance. I love Toyota Corollas and 4 cylinder Camry’s, but if they don’t curb prices they will go the way of the dinosaurs .
Maybe the test should revolve around how the rig is used packed etc then tty comparing all yhe modified 4x4s out there truth might just sxare crap out of some.
To the clowns who say ‘just hit it’……lmao……have you seen a fully grown moose? Let me know how ‘hitting one’ turns out. The variables surrounding an evasive manoeuvre are endless. The fact is the Hilux failed, fn simple. The truth obviously hurts the Hilux fans going off some of the posts……talk about reaching and the BS. Hilux = fail:)
OH WHAT A FEELING! lol……………………….
I don’t believe the majority of drivers on the road in Australia would have the ability to swerve to avoid an animal like a wombat or a kangeroo and control the car. Before swerving onto the incorrect side of the road for instance would they look to see if anything is coming the other way or just swerve? How many times do we hear stories of someone swerving to miss a kangeroo losing control and either overturning or running off the road altogether. Better just to hit the brakes first then assess the situation and swerve if safe. Many would end up focussing on the object which they would hit but far safer than having a head on with another vehicle. Not to change the subject but has anyone noticed the grab handle in the back seat of the Hilux which is not the fold up type even the new Great Wall Ute has fold up grab handles. The Hilux grab handle is perfectly positioned to a hit a person on the head when seated, well anyone over 170cm. Just another example of poor safety design and another way to get a sore head even if the driver doesn’t roll the thing over. Another failure by Australian car reviewers to pick up an issue that would be an issue for anyone unlucky enough to be sat in the back. Australia’s best ute!
‘Oh what a feeling’?….. No thank you!!
Is it the car or the driver causing this to happen we go 4 wheel driving mainly all the same sort of 4 x 4 and their is alway one bloke that gets stuck all the time even when swapping cars
This is not a good sign for the brand name of Toyota.
It looks like Toyota have missed out on placing a stability system as that seen on other vehicles which we have here in Australia in this video.
1st rule of driving in the bush, never swerve for an animal, keep it straight and brake. But this is a safety test and I have needed this maneuver even driving streets of small country towns. 12 years later not good enough, Tough? Yes, just as tough as a lot of others though.
This test doesn’t really mean anything. It will scare a lot of people, but that’s it. There are so many things that would affect this test and the car’s response, that it’s basically nothing but fear mongerring. We are seeing one scenario of their test. How many times have they done the test? How many different drivers did the test. If the outcome is the same, then there should be a reason for concern. I’m also surprised that this is the first car ever to fail the moose test and be published! I’m sure most SUV’s out there will have some issues when loaded and doing such a maneuver.
The Swedes and Germans have been doing the so called “moose test” for decades on all sorts of cars available in the European market. While it may not completely simulate real world driving it is a good comparison of stability and steering at the limit.
It would be safe to assume that all car manufacturers have taken the moose test into account when designing their cars, as the results will affect on how the European market perceives your vehicle.
So I think Toyota have chosen to ignore extreme stability test results. They are not the only ones to fail this test – google “moose test fail”. When the original A class Mercedes failed this test they made changes to improve high speed stability. I think this speaks more about Toyota product development attitude than the undoubted quality of their product.
Daz they do heaps of tests, one of Europes biggest independent testers that is available to the public. Also it is not the first one to fail at all. The Jeep Cherokee they did is by far the scariest you’ll ever see. It is a concern to be honest but would still buy one over a ranger anyday. Would I want my wife and kids in one as a daily, no. The only reason your seeing this everywhere is the dual cab market in Aus is huge, it got you and me to look at this two month old video again. Shows how relevant and behind the times ‘Mr 4×4’ is when they can’t even get statements from anyone when this video has been out that long.
The issue here is not that of this test. The issue is what are car makers focused on and as much as Australians think the market here is huge, guess what, it isn’t. The car companies don’t give a stuff about what you as an individual want, just look at the new Holden Commodore coming and the Ford vehicles. That is the reason the aftermarket industry are everywhere. I’m a Land Rover fan and driver. I’ve driven an old Series 3 through to my current Disco 4. I’ve seen the brand change and move towards safer cars. As result was the discontinuing of the current Defender shape which has been iconic. Why? Safety. The question now is, will Toyota follow all the other brands and modify it’s line up to follow the rest of the worlds brands and focus on safety which is clearly coming out of the EU. If they want to sell cars in Europe, they will. It is only a matter of time before they change. Gone will be the basic four wheel drives, replaced by the tech laden vehicles of the present and future. This Test shows the push of the European market. End of the day, the companies see only $$$$$$. How they get that out of your pocket will depend what the majority want and unfortunately that isn’t what Australian buyers always want. Watch out Toyota fans, the change will come, trust me from a Land Rover lover who has seen it happen.
The Hi Lux’s high centre of gravity, from its high ground clearance, helps to make it more capable off-road than low-slung pretend 4WD utes & SUVs.
It should have switchable stability control for on-road, but no way should the ground clearance be reduced by one millimetre.
Hey Oli, I know. I was mostly being sarcastic. Yes, I saw this video a while ago too and it is interesting that it pops up now. We know who did the test, so it should be easy to get a statement, or is it……….?
This should scare some of the hilux owners who have jumped on the ‘toyota bandwagon’
This was a stupid test when the Jeep Gran Cherokee failed it and it is still a stupid test now when the Toyota goes the same way.
If you are going to swerve to miss something ( which is a good thing to do) it is just bad driving to hulk the wheel back the other way straight after, particularly on the dirt.
You would think that a supposed expert motoring magazine would know better.
If all the other manufacturers can do it way not Toyota
I have Mazda and a Hilux. Both good. I get a bit sick of this site bagging Toyota tho with any article they can find. However can’t remember a bad review on a Navarra. I think this site favours Nissan because it’s a sponsor maybe? Mates got a Nissan, can’t wait to shake it. And why does every 2nd Navarra or Patrol I see blow loads black smoke. Look good but no way would I buy one. Read the articles on all the car websites reviews and it’s hard to go past Toyota.
I have Mazda and a Hilux. Both good. I get a bit sick of this site bagging Toyota tho with any article they can find. However can’t remember a bad review on a Navarra. I think this site favours Nissan because it’s a sponsor maybe? Mates got a Nissan, can’t wait to shake it. And why does every 2nd Navarra or Patrol I see blow loads black smoke. Look good but no way would I buy one. Read the articles on all the car websites reviews and it’s hard to go past Toyota. Considering everything.
The Toyota Hilux has always been notorious for tipping over since they came out in the early 80`s. Still same problem despite wider wheelbase etc. Panel beaters delight.
Simple solution, just buy a Ranger!
Simple solution, just buy the Ranger!
Toyota have been living on their reputation for to long and have fallen behind with new developments and technology. They are over priced and under developed. I have had 3 Hiluxs before they where great, but now i have bought a ranger because what you get in a base model ranger you can only get in the higher end toyota. Time to play catch up Toyota.
A bit of air in the tyres would not have gone astray or did they think they were on sand
Oh so many people have been sucked in by this viral video.
Open up your eyes people, it is fake folks! The whole process is staged.
That Mr4x4 got sucked into it, is such a sad indictment on the very poor quality of their journalism. Next Pat will be doing a rollover comparison of the Hilux Vs the Amarok.
Yes Pat, we know you get kickbacks from VW for exclusively pushing the Amarok. We are not that silly. You do your reputation a great disservice trundling out the same old Amarok garbage time and again.
Any idiot knows you NEVER EVER swerve to miss an animal strike. Too many stupid people die every year doing just that, or worse, end up killing some innocent coming the other way.
Do you really want to risk loss of control just to avoid a freakin dog or roo or cow?
That is what ABS is for. Break hard and maintain directional control following the normal road path.
In almost all instances the animal veers away.
If you are really concerned about an undrivable vehicle after an animal strike, fit a decent bull bar.
A couple of points:-
Look at the tyre pressures on the hilux. They are nearly rolling off the rim.
Look at how much the other brands slow down between the first swerve and the second one.
Pretty easy to replicate this in any vehicle, just plant your foot halfway between the two swerves, and over you go.
In addition, the Hilux here in Oz, like all new vehicles for our market, have the mandated compulsory stability and traction control, that was obviously absent or turned off on the staged test vehicle, and the Hilux variants such as the Fortuner have completely different suspension.
Oh and one more thing. We don’t have bl00dy moose in Oz!
Go out west young man.
The only vehicles you will find are white Toyotas.
And don’t bother asking why, you’ll get stupid looks like, “Are you kidding, any nutter knows they are the only things that are capable enough and they last and won’t let you down”.
Maybe your personal preference for an around town toy is for a Nissan or Ford/Mazda or Mitsi, but when the going gets tough, you’ll be asking youself this, “Is it as good as a Toyota”
Its interesting to see the comments like all vehicle tests are the vehicles to manufactures spec or modified
are the tyres stock would the back end slid out therefore stopping the potential rollover. The question that needs to be asked WHO SPONSORED THE TEST and are they trying to make there product look better.
Ok I have seen all the remarks people put been accessory fitter and wheel aligner I have test driven more 4×4 than people had bake dinners havering said that all 4wd,s have there good and bad the hilux been high point than others you know it handle different so you drive accordingly ill belt if I change the tyre pressure,s on other,s you get the same result
They don’t call them Rolluxes for nothing
Walter is right. All vehicles have their good and bad points, and regardless of your personal preference it’d be ignorant think otherwise. Get to know your vechile and drive it according.
Expecting one vechile to be good at everything is about as good as expecting a diesel running on unleaded, it just ain’t going to happen!
I agree it looks terrible. I also agree with some of the comments above Toyota has not developed their product as well as some others. I have 4 of them so ought to know. The only question i have is did they compare all the vehicles with the same equipment ie ESC. if all the others had ESC and the Hilux did not then the comparison is not valid. However if the same standard of vehicle from another manufacturer has ESC and the hilux does not then that is also a mark against the hilux. Having said all of that it does make you question why you stick with Toyota.
No matter what a FAIL is a FAIL and it did so in a glorious manner
That’s why they are known as Rolluxes, most overrated s$@tbox out on the tracks….
Toyota tough went years agoyou must live under a rock if you think otherwise!
Agree. You took the words out of my mouth. AND FIT A BULL BAR.