Our fantastic team of journos and photographers have put together this photo essay for you; a collection of images by Wes Whitworth, Dean Mellor, Scotty Mason and Tommy Salmon
Without one iota of doubt, Australia has a huge selection of the most spectacular places, scenery, and landscapes on the planet. Just about any photo you take is going to be spectacular. Take away the light of day and many of these visual feasts become just that much tastier. From iconic outback destinations at dusk, incredible night-time high-country vistas, through to near absolute darkness for perfect astrophotography in the middle of the Simpson Desert, our amazing country is often screaming to be seen through a lens at night.
If you have never taken night time photos, these days it is easier than ever. Most smartphones have a night mode on them which makes taking pics at night dead set easy. If you have an SLR camera, you’ll have a lot more options available to you however you will need to know how to use the camera in Manual mode. Fortunately there are plenty of videos online that can guide you though the process.
Few words can measure up to the glorious photographs that our team of very talented photographers have managed to capture over the past few years, so I will leave you with these fine examples to enjoy.
Safe travels