It’s Monday, it starting to get cold, and chances are it’s rained all weekend. To kick-start the week for you, Unsealed 4X4 Issue 49 has just been released direct to your browser!
Want a nice quick view of whats inside? Check out this video!
In this issue, we get the first Aussie drive of the brand spankin’ Mercedes-Benz X-Class, putting it through it’s paces, loaded, unloaded, bitumen and bush. But is it just a tarted up Navara hiding behind that badge?
On the product front, we get the scoop on the new Lightforce Striker driving lights, which come as a full DIY install – harness, relays, the works.
We catch up with Monica McInnes who’s spent a fair few years in the Territory, as she gives us the low-down on how to camp safely in croc country.
We get to crawl all over a rather neat coil sprung 40-series ‘Cruiser, and chat to the bloke who has shoehorned a 6.5L Chevy V8 into the engine bay.
There’s a great travel yarn in here on the infamous Pebbly Beach – how to get here, and what it’s really like, and how and when to cross Station Creek without drowning your 4X4!
Plus we have a good look at tyre pressures – with a bunch of tips to get the best longevity out of your rubber, and how pressures will make life off-road just that much easier.
And as always we’ve got all the usual news, reviews, travel yarns and a mouth-watering recipe for when you’re away from home! Make sure you check out Unsealed 4X4 Issue 49 – out now!