South-Australian purveyors of illumination have released a new range of LED driving lights, that are made in Australia. There’s a 210mm diameter Genesis LED driving light, and a 150mm Venom LED driving light.
This is a change from the Lightforce LED215 Gen2 driving lights, which are made in China. The new lights are a new design, with different construction and performance. Let’s have a look at the details.
The Lightforce Venom is the smaller, cheaper option, pushing out 75 watts through an array of 21 different diodes. Raw lumens are 7,850, with 6,800 of them being effective. Drawing 5.7 amps @ 13.2V, the Venom lights make for 1lux @ 850 metres.
The bigger, 210mm diameter Genesis driving lights, offer a bit more performance through the 37 ‘lumiled’ LEDs make a 140 watt output, for 13,850 lumens (12,000 effective).
These lights will be on-sale alongside the LED215 lights, and the HTX Hybrid driving lights.
The 210mm Genesis lights go for $669, per light, where the smaller 150mm Venom lights are $479. Stay tuned, as we put these lights through a proper roadtest.
Be Cautious When purchasing the NavTac flashlight as I got the 5 item order and one was faulty so I sent video showing the faulty one to them but it will cost me $21 to send it back for a replacement and obviously the same if any thing goes wrong during the warranty period
Just brought a Nav Tac here in Hong Kong for AU$14 including charger, works like a charm.
It seems the whole world has forgotten that LED and other ‘white’ lighting is totally in the wrong Kelvin range for human eyes which results in fatigue, shadows (unnatural shillouetting) and over brightness (reflection, glare and danger to other road users) .
Your ‘how awesomely bright are my super cool lights’ are not native to the eyes. A yellow ie halogen or incandescent light is much less stressful on the human eye. The brighter, whiter fraternity (and any article
that supports these ltypes of lighting) are foolinv themselves and the public.
Go check the science. Bright and white is not all right. Yellow glow is the go.
The last commentor about halogen being better has no idea. Our eyes have evolved around daytime 5000-6000kelvin. Halogen is simply to low and not ideal.
Care to share one piece of evidence per your claim? Provide one credible source peer reviewed and I will eat my boots.