RECIPE BY PAT CALLINAN, IMAGES BY TOMMY SALMON ADVICE: RECIPE This dish is a hearty campfire delight, although it was admittedly cooked on the gas burners of the EzyTrail Ceduna. It’s a relatively simple cook, aided by a nice splash of Greenskin Wine (which is undoubtedly too fancy for cooking, but we had it in the pantry!). For the uninitiated, Greenskin Wine is quality Aussie wine that comes in 750ml sachets that don’t leak or split. And the upside is they can be stacked more efficiently than regular bottles, and weigh a lot less (so travel better). THE PROCESS Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper and sear until brown and almost cooked through. Remove the chicken from the pan, and then brown the onion and garlic, and add the chicken stock, white wine and mustard powder. Cook for around 10 minutes or until reduced. Add the chicken back to the pan, until cooked through. Reduce heat, and stir in the cream and lemon juice being careful to simmer, and not boil the sauce. Serve over a bed of brown rice, and garnish with fresh lemons and basil or coriander. Enjoy! INGREDIENTS 1kg chicken breasts1 x brown onion4 x cloves of garlic1 cup chicken stock1 teaspoon of mustard powder1 x cup of white wineJuice of two lemons¼ cup cooking…