There’s something about the outback that stirs the soul, or mine at least. Kilometres of endless, red-hued nothingness, interrupted only by raw and utterly jaw-dropping beauty, or a homicidal kangaroo throwing itself at your bull bar, reminding you just how vast and unforgiving this country can be. For most, it’s a place you tackle with a fully-equipped 4X4, and these days, even a caravan, as well as enough supplies to feed a small army. But 160 years ago, two blokes decided to take on this landscape armed with a dining table, some camels and a bit of swagger. This is the story of The Burke and Wills Expedition—a saga of ambition, disaster, and sheer stubbornness. What fascinates me about this story isn’t just the exploration or the tragedy—it’s how you’re constantly reminded of their journey when travelling through outback Australia. You can criss-cross their route, stand at the same camps, and feel the echoes of history whispering through the landscape. Their expedition has become part of the outback’s very DNA, and if you’re like me, it’s a story that never quite leaves you. A Grand Idea or a Fool’s Errand? In 1860, Melbourne was flush with cash from the gold rush, and the city’s leaders were itching to make their mark on the map. The idea was simple: be the…
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