Situated along the Birdsville Track, roughly in between Birdsville and Marree, and with a history dating back to 1886, The Mungerannie Hotel is for sale.
It’s one of the quirkiest and most iconic pubs you’ve ever come across; and a must-visit for the Australian 4WDer. It started as a basic hut in the 1880’s developing into a small community that serviced the passing parade between Maree and Birdsville, growing to include a blacksmith, police station, store, stables and bore. It became officially licensed for grog in 1989, but that’s not to say you couldn’t wrangle a drink from Mungerannie before then …
The latest character at the helm of the pub is Phil Gregurke, who has been behind the bar since 2006. I don’t use the term ‘character’ lightly either, few folk endear themselves to the term as much as Phil. A gregarious man with a voluminous beard, sharp with and steady, piercing eyes peeking out from below a well-worn Akubra makes him just about as ‘Straya’ as they come.
The walls and ceiling of the pub are lined with an incredible collection of things: clothing, undies, antiques, hair… amongst other things. Of course, there is a great collection of sweat-stained, torn and sun-beaten Akubras, left behind by those who have worked in the area over the years.
The Mungerannie Hotel is perched amongst arid, treeless South Australian Outback. It’s the only stop for fuel and supplies along the Birdsville Track, making it a must-stop spot along the iconic track. You’d be surprised that you can take a hot natural bath here: One is fed by the artesian wetland that is out the back, which also supports an impressive little ecosystem of birdlife. 110 different species, in fact!
The pub is currently for sale, Phil is looking to move on to his next chapter of life, and get somebody in to drive the next chapter of the iconic pub. The asking price is $1.2 million, which comes with 11.2 hectares of land, accommodation, amenities, a great little campground, dining room and sizeable workshop.
If you’re genuinely interested, get in touch with the Ray White office at Port Augusta. And then, give us a call.