Looking through an old issue of Unsealed 4X4, I came across this Oh Sh!t Kit article and having recently picked up an old ammo box from the local tip shop for $5, I decided to build my own. Rather than a totally ‘do not open unless dying’ kit, mine is a kit of utility items, to be used whenever I forget something. Useful and mostly inexpensive stuff that should come in handy be it tackling the Victorian High Country or down at the park trying to light a barbecue without a mate that smokes.
There’s a thousand and one ideas for post-apocalypse style emergency kits around the internet for inspiration. I also carry a very good first aid kit as well, so there was no need for this box to cover that role.
I store my kit under the back seat so it’s easy to access and never gets in the way. This box is particularly sturdy but a strong plastic container from the grocery store would work just as well.
An ever-evolving project, most of this stuff used to live in my centre console-until my wife wished to share that space!
Current Kit Contents
- Ponchos
- Hi-viz vest
- multi-tool (or pocket knife)
- cable ties
- rescue tape
- muesli bar and chocolate
- breakfast drink
- metho (for lighting fires and cleaning gunk from the windscreen)
- matches
- small torch + long life battery
- flashing red (bicycle) light-the black skull shaped thing!
- windscreen patches
- toilet paper in a zip lock plastic bag
- reusable shopping bag
- space blanket
- Note pad + pencil/pen
- Frisbee (heck, it folds up small and is a lot of fun!)
- hand sanitiser
- wet wipes
- tap keys (available from plumbing stores, so you can use tap water in public parks. Be mindful of recycled water though)
- metal epoxy
- shifting spanner
The next thing to add to my box is a knife, fork and spoon.
Apart from the Leatherman multi-tool, every other item was under $15!
When packing, use the various soft items to keep the rattly metal items separate.
Do you have any suggestions on what else to add? Leave a comment with your ideas please!
Electrical Tape – many uses including stopping bleeding
Needle & thread, magnifying glass, mirror, whistle, compass
A small roll of wire.
Gaffer tape and WD40…nuff said.
Small mirror (tough glass or polished metal) to see round corners under the vehicle, signal and self administered first aid.
I also have a couple of tampons in mine – they are great for getting the fire going while being very compact!
A mirror for signalling, some water cleaning tablets, fishing gear, one of those wire saws, magnesium fire starter block, pack of cards, and a million other things lol
Leave the battery out of the torch & have a spare + water & puri-tabs
A small, “S O S” Tin, a length of Elastic Compression Bandage in zip bag
Pack of cards, small signal mirror, whistle and a small book on survival. Put a vinyl sticker on the lid, write FOOD on it and put the foods expiry date on it.
A carton of beer
skip food, add water filter (like sawer) and puritabs, plastic bags(shelter, water), para chord and lighter (more lights than matches and can dry if get wet).
Mines sat in spare battery box under bonnet of all my land rovers over the last 35 years great for fuses wire globes gloves lighter etc,etc,etc,never comes undone,and it’s right at your fingertips when needed.
A length of fishing line & few hooks.
Panadol and Stingos
Water (and purifying tablets or a Steripen)
If you’re out shooting Tampons and Pads make excellent first aid items for large cuts or holes which are bleeding.
Need small mirror, charcoal straw, whistle.
Small mirror – charcoal straw – whistle
Rubber tyre tube pieces for fire lighting
Definatley no 1 a snake bandage
Definatley no 1 would be a snake bandage x 1 bullet in case bandage don’t work
the biggest life saver of all emergency beacon (ERP)
Pads are great if you have an eye injury.
I also carry a Lithium 12 v Jump Starter.
I bought a tool bag that zips up. Has various ropes, many different sizes of zip ties, a couple of shifters, set of screw drivers, hammer, emergency flashing strobe beacon, and many different sizes of velcro cable ties (these are my best friends…versatile), multi tool, Torch and spare batteries, gorilla tape and electrical tape. Bag stays at the back of one of my drawers so never leaves the car.
Snap on cordless rattle gun
Some ice to stop your chocolate from melting.
Small selection of electrical terminals spades and bullet types and a role of electrical wire
Leave out the sanitizer – metho plus 30% water does just as well. Notepad and pen/pencil – leave the pen at home – they often don’t work on old notepads. Spare fuses can be VERY helpful. Waterproof matches or lighter. Scissors, cable ties, pliers and screw driver all very helpful. Maybe small tubes of contact cement and Araldite. Blade to sharpen pencil.
Well spotted, however it’s the chocolate that melts in your mouth, not your hand!
Interesting comment on the hand sanitiser.
Regarding the blade, screwdrivers, scissors and pliers-they are all part of the multitool. Leathermans are a great space saver and convenient, but can be a bit cumbersome compared to individual tools.
I like the Ammo box idea, I have most of that stuff floating around the rig in different locations, to have it all in one location is a good idea. I have created a space by making up a shelving unit to go over the top of 2 crates with the fridge sitting on top anchored with lots of rubber hockey straps, the ones you get from Bunnings. I didn’t like the idea of paying out $500 to $600 for a purpose built drawer setup.
Hand sanitizer is also useful as a fire starter if required and probably a bit safer to carry than Metho. And I would also make sure that I have some duct tape (it fixes everything). I also carry a set of Marine flares and an orange sheet with a large black V printed on it. These are handy if an aerial is required.
That last sentence should read “These are handy if an aerial search is required.”
Thanks for this and all the add on in comments
Steel wool (non-soapy) is a better fire lighter.
G’Day Mark, great advice. I use the same storage container to do a similar thing but have also included a drinking (water filter ) straw or water purification tablets, a couple of boxes of matches and a small mirror.