The fridge is loaded up with cold beers. But what about us wine lovers? Sure, it may have been considered a little fancy back in the day to bring wine along for your off-road adventure. But it’s actually never been easier. Introducing our solution to wine on the road: Greenskin Wine.
Why is it suited for the road?
Glass bottles are just inconvenient, not to mention dangerous to have flying around the vehicle when you’re off-roading. With the tight packing we often have to do to get all the gear in, Tetris style, it’s also a risk they could smash or crumble under the weight of all that’s on top. Greenskin Wine has taken away this worry with their glassless wine. Introducing the Greenskin Wine pouch!
Saves weight
It’s lightweight making it easy to pack away. In fact, it’s only 60% of the weight and volume of a six-pack of glass bottles. Easily transported from the vehicle, to the campsite, onto the boat and along with you for a gaze under the stars, it’s the perfect outdoor drink.
Safe for the campground
You don’t need to worry about shattered glass around the campsite, especially when the kids are running around and knocking all sorts over. In fact, this pouch is unbreakable which is great news all around.
Lasts the road trip
On the road for a while? Greenskin Wine keeps for up to 3 weeks once you’ve squeezed the air out of the pouch and have resealed it. As you’d already experienced, in a glass bottle you’re looking at a mere 3 days maximum. With Greenskin wines you can take your time and enjoy the wine at your own pace.
Chills fast
You’ve got your 12V fridge in the back cooling the food and beers. But you know what will chill the fastest? Your Greenskin Wine. Thanks to the pouch design, your Greenskin Wine will chill much faster than its glass counterparts. Those waiting on a beer will be green with envy as you enjoy your chilled wine in the nick of time.
It’s better for the environment
We don’t need to tell you the importance of the environment. You’re an adventurer and the great outdoors is your native territory. Naturally, you do all you can to protect this land that you love and want to ensure it’s just as great for your children and children’s children to come. Most of us live by the rule of leaving things better than we found them. That’s why when we leave a campground we leave nothing behind but footprints and take nothing with us but memories. Greenskin Wine shout the postage for you to place your empty pouches into and mail back to them. Each six-pack of Greenskin Wine includes a pre-paid post-pack to recycle the pouches after you’re finished with them. Not only that, but a 750ml Greenskin pouch takes a staggering 80% less energy to produce when compared to a 750ml glass bottle.
One truckload of empty Greenskin pouches sent to a winery to be filled would take twenty-six trucks if glass bottles were used. Due to the pouches’ low weight and compact nature, there are far fewer emissions when they are transported compared to glass.
Whether it’s the positive impact they have on the environment, or the convenience they offer you on your trip away, there’s no denying that Greenskin wines add a unique flair to trips for wine lovers. The only thing to ask now is, are you a red or white wine fan?