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4×4 Adventures Await in Reopened Kimberley National Parks
How a burnt-out 4×4 turned into a Kimberley showstopper
Kimberley tourism booming again
Secrets of the Kimberley
Pat heads up to WA’s iconic Kimberley region and discovers there’s more to it than the Gibb River Road. Read on to find out. The Kimberley township of Kununurra can get quite warm. Just ask our cameraman Bernie Kavanagh, who, at 9 am in October, was ferried off to hospital in an ambulance with heatstroke. Yes, you read that right, at nine o’clock in the morning. It was 42 degrees Celcius and Bernie was lugging a big video camera and bigger sticks (code for tripod) in the sweltering heat. I’m sure it had little to do with the eleventeen poolside ales he had consumed the day before… You wouldn’t typically plan to be travelling around the Kimberley in October during the build-up to the wet season, but Covid restrictions had pushed our run late. Was it worth it? Well, you tell me after dialling your focus into these Tommy Salmon images within. Your regular Kimberley 4X4 journey starts at Kununurra and finishes at Broome, running north to Mitchell Falls. But this time around would be different. Producer Paul Waterhouse had sniffed out promising-sounding locations that would keep us within a 100-mile radius of Kununurra. It was a gamble, but one that paid off handsomely. OLD KURUNJIE TRACK The most photographed part of the Kimberley, is undoubtedly the Pentecost River crossing,…